Blair Griffith, Miss America Contestant Blair Griffith, Miss America Contestant
Blair Griffith, Miss America Contestant - Her Struggle Behind The Pageant
IDEA Media
In life, things may not be what we want them to be or happen in the order we choose. We can devise the best plan of action to achieve our goals, however, even the best plan can be shaken by an obstacle or two. When this happens what do you do? Well, Blair Griffith didn't allow circumstances of life ...
Managing Nuclear Energy Managing Nuclear Energy | Image Credit: Patrick Federi on Unsplash
The Cloud and Machine2Machine: Managing Nuclear Energy
Sabrina Daniels
Managing Nuclear Energy Over the years technology has proven to be an able tool in the process of making life better. The computer, the smartphone, and even satellite service have all evolved to become a major part of our daily communication. However technology is making more of an impact on our wor...
Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman
Trayvon Martin: A Teenager Profiled and Killed While Walking Home
Sabrina Daniels
Trayvon Martin, George Zimmerman Imagine walking home one evening, after making a random visit to the corner store for snacks, and you notice someone in a truck is following you. The sun has gone down and after a couple of blocks, you notice the same truck is still following you. What do you do? Run...