Teen Suicide and Bullying
Suicide is one of the most common causes of death for a young citizen, between the ages of 15-24. A lot of reports and reviews between 2010-2013 have shown that over half of all teenagers are suffering from depression that causes the thought of suicide and that one out of ten teens actually succeeds on the first try.Now today, there are a lot of re...
The Link Between ADHD and Acetaminophen
Study links acetaminophen to ADHD risk Acetaminophen taken by pregnant women may be linked to children with ADHD. A study, performed by researchers in Denmark, suggests that the use of the pain reliever acetaminophen could be linked with children who have symptoms similar to those found in ADHD. The study, published in the medical journal JAMA Pedi...
Marketing Unhealthy Food To Children
Marketing Unhealthy Food To Children Families of today face many challenges including the act of balancing a budget, managing dual careers, and juggling multiple extracurricular activities. These challenges can have negative impacts on planning a healthy diet. A good diet is a major part of living a healthy lifestyle and avoiding the growing problem of obesity.
Summer Grilling
Okay, here we are into the last few weeks of summer and it's time to start pulling out those grills for more lasting memories with the family. Oh yeah! Eyebrows may start to furrow as we reflect on all those great exercises we have managed to fit in now getting lost in the sauce. Then the sad thought of stepping away from that wonderful plate of falling off the bone barbeque,